Meet Our Team
Investigators and Kaitiaki Rōpū members
Witi Ashby
Ko Motatau te Maunga Ko Ngati Hine te Hapu ko Ngapuhi te Iwi, ko hau tenei.
Kaumatua and cultural advisor. He consults on approaches to climate change from a tangata whenua perspective.

Iris Pahau
Ka titiro ki Te Taitokerau me ngā Iwi o Te Aupōuri, Te Rarawa me Ngāti Kurī.
Ka huri ki Mōtītī te Motu o Ngāti Awa, me ōna awa, me maunga kōrero.

Professor Paula Lorgelly
A health economist who desires a health system that is efficient and equitable. Her work involves producing evidence on the value of health to help inform decision making to improve health outcomes for all.

Jenene Crossan
An entrepreneur specialising in consumer technology. Her interest in medical research is a result of being one of NZ’s early “Long Covidian’s”. Her lived experience & business acumen create a unique perspective for this kaupapa.

Andrew McCullough
A health economist with a special focus in using programming languages to conduct economic evaluations. His personal experience of living with Lupus sparked an interest in research related to long COVID.

Assoc Prof Daniel Exeter
A health geographer whose maps highlight which areas have better health or social outcomes than others. His work advocates for resources to improve services and conditions in communities to benefit all residents.

Ngapera Riley
Currently CEO of Figure.NZ, a data charity, and member of the Māori Data Sovereignty network. She is an activist for human and indigenous rights and wants to build a better, more equitable future for all.

Assoc Prof Mona Jeffreys
An epidemiologist who specialises in addressing inequities in access to health care. Her interest in long COVID arises from the stories she has heard through her research, as well as her personal experience of living with ME/CFS.

Dr Marianna Churchward
A qualitative Pacific researcher and evaluator who works across several large projects committed to improving outcomes for Pacific people living in Aotearoa. Her interests include Pacific health, young people, and maternity health.
For official information regarding COVID-19 in Aotearoa New Zealand, please visit the following sites: